Monday, 19 September 2011


I like my salads tossed in the dressing before I bring them to the table that means there is sometimes left over dressed salad – only good for the bin? Think again. This soup is best made with left over Greek salad but can be made with left overs of any green leaves.
Think about it – what is in the salad? – tomatoes, onions, olive oil, lemon juice, a few salad leaves (we cook spinach so why not lettuce?), cucumber which the French cook very happily. What fabulous soup ingredients, ready chopped?

Pile the left over salad into a saucepan, add water and a vegetable stock cube, boil it up for 10 minutes and blend with a hand blender. Season and you have quite an extraordinary summer soup. Take it to work or have it at home as a light lunch in the knowledge that is it not only made of all good stuff but it is extremely good for your pocket!

1 handful of left over salad will make soup for 1 person. Add 200ml water and ¼ vegetable stock cube per portion. If you have a simple green salad this will make a lovely green soup but add anything you have in the bottom of the salad tray – radish, tomato, cucumber, onions no matter how sad looking they will cook well.
Don’t miss out the stock as this will add the extra flavour needed and don’t feel that stock cubes are second rate. You can buy low salt, no salt, organic or halal stock cubes these days so keep them in the cupboard, add them to your left overs to turn them into full flavoured exciting dishes.

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